This week marked not only my 11 month milestone but it was also the last movie night for the summer. In Duisburg throughout the year we've been hosting monthly events for Jewish young adults. One event I've been hosting bi-monthly is our Jewish film night or "Kino Abend". This event was passed down to me by my predecessor Amira, who never fails to help me choose the latest title. We've done all kinds of movies ranging from "Kaddisch fur einen Freund" or Kaddish for a friend, a story about a young Palestine refugee who moves into an apartment below a Jewish old man in Germany and the friendship that they develop. Perhaps the most thought provoking event was our movie night and discussion about the "Hannah Arendt" movie. She was a famous Jewish German historian/philosopher who wrote about the "banality of evil" in reference to Nazis during WWII. This movie was inspired in fact by a course I took in university where we r...